Tips to Keep Your Car Battery Healthy

 The battery is the most vital part of the car. Your vehicle’s battery goes through a lot of wear and tear during its lifespan due to several reasons. Here in this article, we have mentioned some tips that will help you to keep the battery of your car healthy and reduce the chances for you to go for the car repair

  • Clean the battery of the car

Always try to keep the battery clean to maintain its good health. Dirt on the battery can result in drainage of the charge of the battery. Not only this, but dust can also cause short circuits making the battery dead. The terminals of the car’s battery corrode with time. Therefore, it is essential to clean the terminals using a brush to remove the dust and thus, preventing the terminals to corrode. 

  • Switch on the battery frequently

The battery of your car might lose its charge if not used for a long period of time and thus, you may have to go for car repair in banglore. You must keep in mind that the power of the battery drains at a faster rate. To avoid the situation of a drained battery, it is suggested to start your car and take it for a ride at least once a week. In case the batter of the car loses its charge, then you will have to look for a jumpstart to start your car.

  • Avoid using the battery when the engine is turned off

In case the engine of your car is not running, then it is better not to use the battery as the batteries of the car drains at a faster rate in such cases. It is the interior lights and music systems that lead to drainage of the battery’s power which further hampers the lifespan of the battery. Whenever starting the car, just make sure that interior lights and music system are turned off.

  • Minimize exposure of battery to the heat

The battery life drastically reduces if it is exposed to the heat for much longer as heat makes the fluid in the battery evaporate. This can happen even with the cars having newly sealed batteries. Therefore, to protect the battery from excess heat always park your car in a shady place or a garage, especially during the summertime. 

  • Check the voltage of the battery frequently

The life of a lead-acid’s battery significantly reduces, when it’s uncharged or half charged. Using a voltmeter always try to keep a check on the voltage of the battery at regular intervals. For the car to remain healthy, the battery should have a minimum charge of 13 volts. In case the battery charge is less than 125 volts, then it is suggested to charge the battery immediately. 

Bottom Line

Now that you know the tips to maintain the appropriate health of your car’s battery, follow them. To know more about how you can take care of the battery, you can download get pit stop- the best app for car repair.


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