How to Remove Black Carbon Deposits From Ignition Elements


car repair apps for Android

Stable and continuous running of the car engine primarily depends on the operational performance of the ignition elements. Periodic inspection by the professional mechanics of the car repair apps for Android protects your car from severe malfunctions and costly repairs. Therefore, it is imperative to perform a visual inspection of the spark plug when there is a malfunction in the engine or it is difficult to start.

Car owners need to understand that these elements are self-cleaning at high temperatures when the engine is functioning at high speeds. 

Moreover, you are free to cleanse carbon deposits from the ignition elements mechanically or by using cleaning agents. 

In addition, plugs do not always require to be replaced instantly, sometimes they can be simply cleaned and the possible cause of the formation of deposits removed. Such a procedure can be carried out in two ways: 

Mechanical cleaning method: This procedure involves using plain sandpaper or a small metal brush. Despite being a simple procedure, it has many disadvantages. With such kind of cleaning, the deposition on the spark plugs electrodes can be damaged, and even simple scratches cause an enhanced build-up of deposits.


Chemical method: This is a preferred cleaning solution, especially for eliminating black carbon deposits. The car owner needs to prepare simple cleaning products, a toothbrush, and a rag for this procedure. The parts need to be soaked for about half an hour and then rinsed well. After drying, the spark plugs can be used again.


Mechanical cleaning method


According to the car repair apps for Android, the simplest cleaning way is to eliminate carbon deposits with sandpaper or a metal brush. Although such a cleaning method is easy to perform due to its elementary nature, professional mechanics do not advise performing it to clean black spark plugs. In order to avoid removing the finest spraying of precious metals applied to the electrode of the product. While cleaning with the mechanical method, there is a chance to damage the spark plug. Moreover, the insulator can also get scratched, leading to much more soot build-up.


Chemical method


It is not a coincidence that most car owners prefer cleaning such elements using a chemical method. Black soot from spark plugs can be perfectly cleaned using conventional cleaning agents designed to clean tiles and sanitary ware. After preparing everything you need, follow these simple steps:


1.    Put the elements in a bucket and fill them with the prepared solution.

2.    Leave in solution for 30 minutes.

3.    Clean the element using a toothbrush.

4.    Rinse in running water and wipe dry with a cloth.


Properly dry the parts before installing them in place. To do this, place them in the oven for 20 minutes or blow them out with a hairdryer at minimum power. 

About the Company:


At Getpitstop, we commence all sorts of car repairs, including major and minor repairs, change parts, tires, and perform many other critical technical tasks. In addition, we also give a guarantee for our work and provide on-road car services to stranded car owners.


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