How to Avoid Damages When Parking in the Heat

car wash at doorstep in Hyderabad

Uneven burning of paint, cracked windshield and even a fire.... all of this can happen if you leave your car parked in the sun. 

1. Watch the sun

It is advisable not to park in one designated place every day, with the same side to the sun. Moreover, if you really want to park the vehicle in an open area, it would be best to rearrange it during the day depending on the sun's position. Otherwise, the paint and, to an even greater extent, the polycarbonate caps of the headlights and lamps fade unevenly.

Yes, and "get in color" in the future painting of the body will not succeed. Not even by selecting the paint on the cover of the gas tank flap, or in any other way. 

2. Avoid parking under the trees

In the daytime heat, elements of fatty acids, ammonia, ammonium and other aggressive organic compounds contained in bird droppings corrode car enamel instantaneously. As a result, stains from them can remain even after deep cleaning. As could be expected, the rate of chemical change is directly related to the increasing temperature.

It is best to park in the shade of houses and large cars - vans or trucks. Otherwise, soon you will need to call the car wash at doorstep in Hyderabad

3. Take care of your windshield

It is best if there is a chance in the parking lot to cover it from the sun with a protective panel. Chipping in direct sunlight can work as magnifying glass - and up to a burned sear nearby.

Moreover, the chip can transform into a large crack - if you, having left the parking lot in a hot car, immediately get stuck in a jam with the car cooling turned on "at full". The reason could be a sharp temperature drop. 

4. Ventilate the car

Is your interior smelling awful in a hot car? Cheap plastic and leatherette under the heat influence secrete harmful elements. 

The seats will help preserve the textile covers. 

Digital ventilation will also turn the situation more manageable. The driver's door is opened and closed multiple times, and the right rear door is left open for this time. 

6.  Wash your car often

Clean enamel always reflects light better. Dust and dirt in direct sunlight will corrupt paintwork.

If possible, plant the body with wax at each wash - it creates additional protection from the sunlight. 

And when you can't wash your car?

- before entering the car service centre in Hyderabad.

The temperature inside the metal garage with a black roof and poor ventilation can easily reach around 50 ° C. A car washed before entering the garage will end up in a steam bath. Such a thing can easily accelerate corrosion of the body, as well as oxidation of electrical contacts.

- In underground parking.  Moreover, the car will take much more time to dry than its counterparts parked on the street. It is best to "wash" before leaving. 

About the Company: 

At Getpitstop, we provide a massive base for major services in the field of car maintenance. Moreover, we also provide essential advice to customers about car maintenance and the necessary suggestions in the event of car malfunctions. 


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