Windshield Cracked? Repair in a Jiffy Using Car Service Station

car service station

Every car user suffers from an unpleasant phenomenon of windshield cracks from time to time.  Not only does this defect constantly "callous" the eyes when you are driving, but the crack also tends to grow to the edge of the glass gradually, begins to limit the view of traffic (which is dangerous), and even sometimes leads to traffic police fines. In addition, you can also be fined for a cracked windshield if the damage to glass surfaces is more than 50% of their area.

Replacing the car windshield is not a cheap service even in car service station and many car owners are trying to solve this problem with blood: glass repair.. How can you do it, and is it possible to repair the windshield yourself and save money at the car service workshop?

How dangerous are cracks?

A car windshield is designed in a way to withstand strong vibration loads, headwinds, and temperature changes. In addition, it can also withstand a moderate impact in an accident and severe pressure throughout its area. However, glass remains glass, and fragility remains the most serious drawback. A sharp temperature change or point impacts of solid objects can form a crack on its surface.

A  damaged windshield compromises the glass structure and can no longer withstand severe stress. Also, vibration and tension of the power frame of the body when the car is moving, small shocks, strong gusts of headwind, and temperature changes can increase this crack, leading to a weak glass structure. Ultimately it can simply crumble from a collision with a curb, not to mention minor accidents.

Types of windshield cracks and the possibility of their repair:

Firstly the possibility of repairing the windshield depends on the nature and size of the cracks. In form, they can be:

  • "Rays" are the result of a strong impact. These kinds of crack spread quickly and tend to reach the edges of the windshield. This makes it extremely important to repair them before they exceed 10 cm in length.

  • "Branches" - They appear when there is a strong and short-term temperature drop or a heavy blow. Also, its repair is difficult, making it necessary to localize each "branch" until its length has increased to 12 cm.

  • "Circles" - They arise from a sharp point of impact and can quickly cover the entire surface area of the glass. Repair is possible until they have grown by 10-15 cm.

  • Mixed - appear due to different influences, carry visual signs of the above glass damage, and can be repaired only with a small distribution area.

One of the most problematic types of damage is double-sided cracks that occur after a strong impact with heavy objects. In these cases, a beam arises from the inside of the glass, which is easier to replace - the repair will not give the desired result.

Repairing cracked glass

It is a fact that most types of cracks on the windshield can be repaired. Also, you can eliminate the defect on your own using the same technology used in standard car service stations: the crack is drilled, degreased, filled with a special sealant, and sanded to an almost imperceptible state.


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