Car service: Emergence of multi-brand car service centers

Emergence of multi-brand car service center and future trends of automobile servicing can offer right direction this industry. The Indian automobile industry is the 4th largest in the world. Analysts predict a growth jump of current 1 to 8% by the year 2020. The sales registered in 2017, reflected an increase of 9.5% year on year basis to over 4 billion users.

The Indian automobile industry: The high momentum automotive sector has given rise to equally high potential automotive service market. To give a concise perspective, here is a quick drop-down view of the car servicing industry in India. The Indian car service industry can be classified into three very different verticals; the authorized service centers, unorganized local garages and multi-brand network.

The authorized service center: These service centers or commonly known as authorized take care of car service and maintenance for a specific car company. These service stations are brand-specific car service centers that operate as company owned or as a franchisee.

The unorganized garages: It is an option with which almost every Indian is pretty much aware of. These low overhead, barely equipped, bare minimum makeshift car garages operate as an individually owned establishment that offers car services at the cheapest possible rates.

The multi-brand car services centers: The newest entrant in this sector are the multi-brand car service centers.The multi-brand car service network is a result of the 65% out of warranty car users who were in search of a quality, affordable and flexible car service and maintenance alternative.

The dawn of the multi-brand car service centers: The multi brand car service industry was actually born out of necessity; to act as a medium between the authorized dealerships and the local garages.

On one hand, authorized dealership which enjoyed a pretty monopolized market where the car owner is restricted to avail services tendered only by the authorized service center. On the other side, local garages find their existence as the cheapest automobile service provider.

A great chunk of their business comes from second hand car owners looking to save some money on car maintenance.

Multi brand car service centers very specifically cater to the overwhelming after sales service. In a nutshell, multi brand offer the same car service experience and quality but, in a cost, effective way, they are charging up to 40% less than authorized service centers. 

Why multi brands make sense:

Way before the arrival of multi brands, a car user basically had two choices whether to go to company authorized service center to go to local garages.

An authorized dealership meant a costly affair involves necessary replacements and suspicious inflated bill. Multi brands offer both worlds, tender services, you also get a warranty on a car service along with genuine spare parts.

The use of Car repair app:

In this era a car repair app can also be much useful. It can help one get the right garage as per the location, type and facilities. One can go for the garage as per his choice or go for a specific garage provided on the app.


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