When Should You Get a Major Car Servicing Done?

You've been driving your baby for a long time now. Taking it out on long drives, driving it in rough weather and rough road conditions, so now is the time you do justice to your car and give it the much needed major car service it deserves. 

What is major car servicing?

● A major car service is very high in terms of the car servicing package it carries. A doorstep car repair in Bangalore can come to pick it up for you if it's a hassle. 
● A lot of the car services call the service by different names like a gold service or a master service. This servicing is highly recommended after 2 years of driving or if you've driven your car an approximate 24,000 miles.
● A major service is the kind of service that your car needs essentially. To explain this better, it means an overall complete check of the whole vehicle. This check is extremely important because when you drive your car around for such a long time, it's bound to experience some kind of damage or wear and tear. 
● Whatever you get in a mid-range level servicing is added to the Major car servicing. You even get more in-depth checks, a proper change of spark plugs, the suspension, fuel filters, and brake fluids.  It is actually an all in one package and includes a lot of things. 
● Usually, cabin filters and brake fluids should be replaced every two years. Major car servicing offers this. This is because, as time passes, the brake fluid can get contaminated, thereby making brakes less effective. This means that it will take a long time for you to stop the car. This is a serious cause for concern because losing control over the brakes is every driver's nightmare. As time passes, the cabin filter too gets clogged up and gets full of debris and dust, thereby making the cabin air quality stale and musty. A change will really improve air quality.

Why is a car service so important? 

There are many things that are legal requirements but a car service isn't one of them. But think about it- you've purchased something with your hard-earned money and it's your baby now. Wouldn't you want to keep it in good condition and give it all the care it needs? 

To keep your car in an excellent running condition, it is important that you go for car servicing. It is very likely for you to find performance deteriorating if you don't service your car regularly. Although it can be a costly affair, when you get a good a major car servicing did, you get numerous benefits out of it. Let's see what they are:

1. A higher resale value. A car that has a history of full service can be very attractive to potential buyers who know that it will hold the value in a much better way with a service. 
2. Time to time servicing will detect and at the same time, eliminate any kind of fault that will occur to make the engine worn down. 
3. Smooth engine. It is very important to keep changing the oil for improved braking. When you get a full service done at the best car service in Bangalore, you make sure that the parts of the car including the calipers are performing at the optimum level.


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