How to Keep Your Old Car at the Top of Its Game.

Owning a vehicle is a huge part of anyone's life. Vehicles take us to our jobs, they make us drive the kids to all their activities around, they are important to run errands. Well without a vehicle it's nearly impossible do everything we want to do or do the things we enjoy. With car repair app running handy nowadays, you can even get a quick fix along the way. The best part about owning a vehicle is that after a bad day it just feels great to unwind and get in the car for some much needed relaxed time.

In a US census in the year 2011, it showed that 7 million workers at that time drove for an hour or more from and to their work. And that's just work. When you add in the errands, fun trips, vacations etc, it's a lot of time you're spending behind the wheel on an everyday basis.

Nowadays, people have become good at keeping their vehicles in a good shape. That doesn't just apply to the people who maintain and collect older vehicles but also the ones who bought it sometime ago. Everyone now-a-days takes good care of their vehicles to avoid additional repair costs or to inveat again in a new ride. It's a beautiful sight when you see so many cars from the 90s still going strong on the streets and some look as good as the day they were purchased. From 10 years, the average age of car has moved on to 11 years which shows that people are really taking care of their cars. The only secret is a lot of good regular maintenance. Given below are a few tips.

1.    Always change your oil filter regularly. The best thing you can do for your car is to extend the life of it's engine by getting oil changes regularly. By not doing something will infact cause a lot of problems with the engine as time passes. You will always need to ensure that you can take care of the car one way or another. Make sure you note down mileage and data after every oil change so that you know when the vehicle is due for another change. Many a times sit so happens that the vehicle is due for another oil  change. Often the place you get your oil change from will drop you an email or put a reminder in your phone for the next oil change.

2.    Always replace your vehicle's transmission fluid and the differential oil. However if you're concerned, check the vehicle manual and the suggested timeframes to change and add a new coolant. Every once in a while you will have to explore the possibility of flushing the coolant and adding a new one incase your car begins to heat up. It's also recommend that you do this according to the car's manual.

3.    Always maintain the wheel bearings. The wheel bearings make sure that the tires are running smooth. When you go for your next check up, make sure you ask for someone to inspect your wheels and see if they're running okay.

Head on to your nearest best car repair app to get more information on this.


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